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This is Toni.

Toni lives now alone with his grandpa Frank. Toni's parents died in this accident in August 2021. (bild.de reported)

Frank is on chemotherapy and can't work actually, questionable whether he will be able to work again.

Nevertheless, they live together in their house and make each ohter laugh again and make so their lives livable.  Toni is now 1 year old and we want to support them financially, because the house has to be paid off.

We are in personally contact with Frank and this would be the best way to help them.


Please help us to suprise them on this christmas.

On St. Nicholas Day Toni has to go back to the hospital , they will remove the steel in his legs. After this he also has to go in the CT again to check if the water is moving from his head. We wish him good luck.


Heart Open - safe their lives - support us via PP on timetoact@email.de